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Showing posts with label student protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label student protest. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Student protesters disrupt University of Oklahoma Board of Regents meeting (Norman Transcript)

About 12 minutes into the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents meeting on Monday, a small group of student protesters interrupted, demanding the university divest from companies doing business in Israel.

The civil disobedience was reported in today's Norman (Oklahoma) Transcript.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Supporting CUNY Students Demanding Divestment at CUNY Public Hearing (Rabbi Dovid Feldman)

On February 10, 2025, students and activists gathered at the CUNY College Board of Trustees Public Hearing to demand divestment. Rabbi Dovid Feldman stood in solidarity with the students, supporting their call for justice and urging them not to be intimidated by false Zionist accusations. This powerful moment highlights the growing movement for divestment and the unwavering courage of those standing up for what is right. The rallying cry was clear: "Divest! We will not stop; we will not rest!"

Friday, December 20, 2024

The CUNY 8 Face Charges for Palestine Solidarity Protest (Black Agenda Report)

We’re joined by Nora Fayad, one of the CUNY 8. Nora and seven others were charged for their Palestine solidarity protest at City College, a campus in the City University of New York (CUNY) system. On April 30 they were arrested and charged with felony burglary and accused of attempting to enter a campus building without permission. Nora Fayad and others are concerned community members who joined the protests yet are condemned as being "outside agitators." She joins us from New York City to discuss their court case.

Related links:

Student Protests


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Defending DEI Programming at the University of Michigan

More than 500 people have signed a petition in favor of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programming that has been part of the University of Michigan for years, and a rally was held yesterday in support of the programs. 

According to the petition:

It has been confirmed by multiple sources that the Regents met earlier this month in a private meeting with a small subgroup of central leadership members, and among the topics discussed was the future of DEI programming at UM, including possibly defunding DEI in the next fiscal year. Our understanding is that the Regents may announce or vote to implement the plan as early as December 5th (their next scheduled meeting), before the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Diversity, equity, and inclusivity are imperative to address systemic and structural inequities. They are also stated core values of the University of Michigan. We must remind the Regents that changes to DEI are not in their mandate, which is purely financial oversight, and we must remind them of the importance of shielding our ethical commitments from political pressure.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

'4B' (4 Nos) movement picks up steam in U.S. after election (NBC News)

The “4B" movement is trending on social media after Donald Trump won the presidential election. In the US, it is also called "4 Nos" and "Lysistrata." Originating in South Korea, the feminist campaign includes no giving birth, dating or having sex with men. NBC News’ Emilie Ikeda details why this trend is gaining steam.


Related links:

Methods of Student Nonviolent Resistance 

Tens Of Thousands Of Students Went Cycling At Night (CNN) 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Tens Of Thousands Of Students Went Cycling At Night (CNN)

Under the new Trump presidency, can US student protestors learn from Chinese students?

Related links:

Methods of Student Nonviolent Resistance

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Perspective After a Trump Victory

It is clear that when thousands demonstrate over a prolonged period dramatic changes can be made. People have wrought changes in the past, and they will continue to do so. Dr. DuBois, the great Negro historian, wrote in his "Farewell Message": "Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader and fuller life. The only possible death is to lose belief in this truth because the great end comes slowly; because time is long..." We should proceed calmly and with optimism—our actions tempered always by our perception of reality.

Bettina Apthekar, Big Business and the American University (1966)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Higher Education Uncensored

The Higher Education Inquirer is a rare space for students (consumers), workers, debtors, and community members to speak the truth about higher education and its most important issues, including the truth related to climate change and environmental destruction, human rights, student rights and worker rights, mass surveillance and policing, sexual assault and rape culture, racism and bullying, mental illness and suicide prevention, hypercredentialism, student loan debt and underemployment, NCAA money sports, higher education scams, cheating, and AI, university endowments, land theft and gentrification by universities, and any issues that are too politically charged for other news outlets to consider.

HEI fills this role because many student newspapers cannot perform that service. No mainstream media outlet (large or industry niche) or nonprofit can do that either. In those cases, the purse strings affect what is published and what isn't. Writers and editors are censored, and sometimes they censor themselves to avoid retribution or the possibility of retribution. If you are a student journalist, whistleblower, or concerned citizen, we invite you to submit your work to us. If you have a petition or an event, or want to leak documents anonymously, please let us know.  

Related links: