Join us on July 31 as we host a deep dive discussion into two related crises facing higher ed workers and students alike: debt and labor contingency.
Often presented as both institutionally inevitable and as individually shameful, spiraling debt and rising labor precarity are in fact insidious products of policy decisions, and together they are eroding the conditions that make genuine higher education possible. Yet these widely shared and intersecting chains of debt and labor contingency also have the potential to bring us together: as faculty, students, and workers, in new ways.
How can we grasp the systems of debt and labor precarity that bind today’s academy in a way that can allow us to unleash potential for liberatory education, in the classroom and beyond? And how can our unions and pedagogical strategies help create alliances between students, faculty, and other campus workers—not by shamefully avoiding talk of our “delinquent” debt or “adjunct” status, but by placing them front and center?”
Speakers: Joe Ramsey, Chair of Contingency Task Force, Higher Education Labor United and Faculty at UMASS, Boston; Jeri O’Bryan-Losee, United University Professions (SUNY)
Facilitated by Jason Wozniak,
Debt CollectiveCo-Sponsored by
Higher Education Labor United
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