While income and debt are not the only factors that should go into making college and major choices, folks can use this database, posted by Robert Kelchen, to find programs that may be of interest to them. The database of nearly 46,000 programs allows folks to filter through a variety of variables. As an example, here are the top nursing programs in terms of income-to-debt ratio.
Fresno City College | Associate's Degree | 77104 | 3500 | 0.0453932 | |
California State University-Monterey Bay | Bachelors Degree | 109260 | 6875 | 0.0629233 | |
Santa Ana College | Associate's Degree | 68741 | 5250 | 0.0763736 | |
Carl Sandburg College | Associate's Degree | 56882 | 4428 | 0.0778454 | |
Gateway Community College | Associate's Degree | 66205 | 5500 | 0.0830753 | |
Del Mar College | Associate's Degree | 63193 | 5250 | 0.0830788 | |
El Paso Community College | Associate's Degree | 59530 | 5250 | 0.0881908 | |
College of the Sequoias | Associate's Degree | 81475 | 7425 | 0.0911322 | |
Pacific College | Bachelors Degree | 114248 | 10500 | 0.0919053 | |
CUNY LaGuardia Community College | Associate's Degree | 76719 | 7437 | 0.0969382 | |
Naugatuck Valley Community College | Associate's Degree | 65433 | 6350 | 0.0970458 | |
Pensacola State College | Associate's Degree | 52065 | 5085 | 0.0976664 | |
Richland Community College | Associate's Degree | 56895 | 5820 | 0.1022937 | |
CUNY Graduate School and University Center | Bachelors Degree | 94707 | 9950 | 0.1050609 | |
Lake Land College | Associate's Degree | 55580 | 5900 | 0.1061533 |