Friday, May 26, 2023

When will US higher ed revenues peak? #collegemania

Despite more than a decade of enrollment losses, US higher education revenues were never higher than in 2021--the latest year for which the US Department of Education has released data.  

This reflects the persistent notion that middle-class families will go into debt, sometimes deep debt, to send their children or themselves to private and public universities--to compete for a declining number of good jobs.  It also reflects the willingness that the US Department of Education has to subsidize this debt.  

While revenues have dropped at many community colleges, for-profit colleges, small private and public colleges, and regional public universities, the demand for an elite or brand name US education has never been higher. It's difficult to imagine things changing in the near future.  

Related links: 
State Universities and the College Meltdown
Community Colleges at the Heart of College Meltdown

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